Cookies Policy

The company that owns the website MIRADOR, S.A. informs you about the use of cookies on this website:

Cookies are files that can be downloaded to your device through the web pages you visit. They are essential tools for providing numerous services in the information society (internet services).


Types of operational cookies according to Opinion 4/2012 of the GT29:


· User input cookies

· User identification or authentication cookies (session only)

· User security cookies (those requested by the user)

· Multimedia player cookies (strictly necessary for content playback)

· Session cookies to balance the load

· User interface personalization cookies

· Plug-in cookies for sharing social content


This website uses these types of cookies, which allow for functionality and service provision.


Cookies exempt from consent:

- Audience measurement, page by page

- The list of pages from which a link was followed to request the current page (sometimes called "referrer"), whether internal or external to the site, by page and aggregated daily

- Determination of device type, browser, and screen size of visitors, by page and aggregated daily

- Page load time statistics, by page and aggregated hourly

- Statistics on time spent on each page, bounce rate, scrolling depth, by page and aggregated daily

- Statistics on user actions (clicks, selections), by page and aggregated daily

- Statistics on the geographic area of origin of requests, by page and aggregated daily


Therefore, any other processing of data beyond these listings by both the publisher and the provider must have the consent of the individual to be considered lawful.

Non-exempt cookies (consent required):


Cookies based on the entity that manages them:

First-party cookies: Sent to the user's device from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself and from which the requested service is provided.

Third-party cookies: Sent to the user's terminal from a computer or domain managed by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies. If you accept third-party cookies and wish to delete them, you must do so from your browser options or from the system provided by the third party.

Cookies based on the time they remain active:

Session cookies: Collect and store data while the user is accessing the web page.

Persistent cookies: A type of cookie where the data remains stored on the terminal and can be accessed and processed over a defined period determined by the cookie's responsible party, which can range from a few minutes to several years. In this case, when persistent cookies are installed, their duration will be minimized, considering their intended use.

Cookies based on purpose:

Technical cookies: These allow the user to navigate through a website, platform, or application and utilize the different options or services available, including those used by the publisher to manage and operate the website and enable its functions and services.

Analytical cookies: These allow for quantifying the number of users and thus perform measurement and statistical analysis of the usage made by users of the offered service. This involves analyzing user navigation on the website to improve the product or service offerings.

Preference or personalization cookies: These remember information so that the User can access the service with specific features that may differentiate their experience from that of other users, based on the type of browser or region from which they access, etc. (e.g., language).

Behavioral advertising cookies: These store information about user behavior obtained through continuous observation of their browsing habits, allowing the development of a specific profile to show advertising based on it.



This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service developed by Google, Inc., located in the United States at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043. For the provision of these services, cookies are used to collect information, including the User's IP address, which will be transmitted, processed, and stored by Google under the established terms. This may include the possible transmission of such information to third parties for legal reasons or when such third parties process the information on behalf of Google.


Through web analytics, information is obtained regarding the number of Users accessing the website, the number of pages viewed, the frequency and repetition of visits, their duration, the browser used, the service provider, the language, the device used, or the city assigned to their IP address. This information enables better and more appropriate service from this website.

Third-party service providers: Specifically, the third parties with whom some services requiring the use of cookies have been managed are:


Acceptance of the Cookie Policy

The company displays information about its Cookie Policy on any page of the website with each login to ensure you are aware. Upon this information, you can take the following actions:
· Accept cookies. This notice will not be displayed again when accessing any page of the website during this session.
· Configuration. You can modify cookie settings and/or reject them.

Conditions of Reservation


Through our online reservation service, you are hiring a reservation of a touristic room, submitted to the following conditions.

The following General Conditions stablish, among with the rest of terms and conditions, the legal framework that regulates the hiring and reservation of a room through the website This webpage belongs to MIRADOR SAU, NIF/CIF: A07008550, Address: CALLE MARQUES DE LA CENIA 27 (07014) - PALMA DE MALLORCA - ISLAS BALEARES, Phone number: +34 971 73 20 46 . Fax: +34 971 73 39 15 . E-mail: Registered in the commercial registry of Palma,F234 L8 H 1487 .

MIRADOR SAU activity is offering hotel services. For further information, you may contact us in Phone +34 971 73 20 46 or

This hiring conditions regulate the terms for the hiring of the offered products by the company through their website and the related economic remuneration and/or payment done by the client.

The company offers to the addressee, before the procedure starts and through techniques that are adequate to the used communication medium, easily, freely, and permanently, clear, comprehensive, and unequivocal information about the following.

A) The different procedures that need to be followed to accept these General Hiring Conditions.

B) Electronic files of these general hiring conditions, thus being accessible at any time.

C) The company uses technical media that the client is able to use in order to correct and identify errors.

D) The language in which this conditions will appear is English.

E) Before starting the procedure, the company offers the client the general hiring conditions so they can be stored and reproduced by the client.

F) The online hiring of the offered products by the company through this web will be subject to what appears in the legal notice of the webpage.

G) These general hiring conditions have been elaborated in agreement with what is established in law 34/2002, of information society services and electronic commerce. The law 7/1998 of general hiring conditions, Royal decree 1906/1999 for which phone or electronic hiring is regulated with general conditions in development of article 5.3 of law 7/1998; the Legislative Royal Decree 1/2007, of November 16, for which the combined text of the General Law of the defense of consumers and users is approved and other complementary laws; Las presentes condiciones se regirán por la legislación española y se someten expresamente a los Juzgados y Tribunales de: Las presentes Condiciones Generales han sido elaboradas de conformidad con lo establecido en la Ley 34/2002, de servicios de la sociedad de la información y comercio electrónico; la Ley 7/1998 sobre Condiciones Generales de Contratación, el Real Decreto 1906/1999 por el que se regula la contratación telefónica o electrónica con condiciones generales en desarrollo del artículo 5.3 de la Ley 7/1998; el Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2007, de 16 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios y otras leyes complementarias; el Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2007 de 16 de Noviembre y Ley 18/2012 de 19 de Julio, de Turismo de las Illes Baleares y cuantas disposiciones legales resulten de aplicación..

H) For the acquisition and/or reservation of any of the services of hotel rooms of the company through the webpage these conditions must be accepted without reservations, and including all of these conditions, along with the Particular Conditions that are applied to each reserved and/or hired product.

I) The Company informs that the procedures to hire the offered services of room reservations are those that are described in these conditions, as well as those that are specified in the webpage through the customer’s navigation, so the client declares to know and accept such procedures as needed to reserve and/or hire the offered services of room reservations.

J) All the information offered throughout the hiring process will be stored by the company. Any modification or correction of the client’s acquired data must be done as stated in the Webpage.

K) By sending these data, clients give their consent to have their data treated by the company in order to the client’s acquisition and/or hiring of the services of room reservation that the company sells.

L) The client hires and/or reserves the company services of room reservations, and the company accepts the assignment of selling the selected services of room reservations in the web, as stated in these general conditions.

M) The seller keeps the right to modify unilaterally these conditions, without that affecting the services of room reservations or promos that were hired before such modification.


The seller of the hired services by the user is MIRADOR SAU, a hotel company that provides services of room reservation. is registered under the name of MIRADOR SAU. The commercial brand is correctly registered under the name of the Company.

  1. These conditions have as their main aim to state the conditions that apply when selling and hiring products in These conditions will regulate the contractual relationship of buying/selling and/or the generated hiring between the Seller and the Hirer at the moment in which the latter accepts the corresponding tick-box at the buying/hiring online process. The characteristics of the hired/bought products are shown in the web.The characteristics of the hired services will appear in the webpage, as well as the particularities of each transaction that can be done in this webpage, always in English.
  2. Hiring any products through the webpage implies the complete acceptance and subjection to these General conditions.
  3. The company through the webpage provides services for room reservation/purchase. This transaction will be ruled by the Hiring Conditions specified here and the Particular conditions that are applied to the acquisition and/or hiring of each product.
  4. The applicable prices to the hired/reserved products are those indicated in the website at the time of the hiring and/or acquisition, and:

    Offers are correctly shown and identified indicating the Price before the offer and during the offer.

  5. All media and technical requirements that are required to access the webpage and the offered services of room reservations will be full responsibility of the user.
  6. Once accessing the web, to continue to reserve and hire any services of room reservation, Users Will follow any indication and instruction that appears in the webpage, filling for this the acknowledgement of having read and accepting the General Conditions, as well as any particular condition that applies.

Hiring the services of room reservations will be done through the specific selection of the product/s through the selection elements that the webpage has installed. Once selected and verified the application for reservation/hiring, the conditions will be completely accepted by you, without reserves, as stated in the company’s website, before acquiring such products.

Once accepted, the user acquires the condition of Client of the company/entity.

Any product or service offered by the company afterwards will be subject to a new hiring/acquiring procedure.

Clients are advised to read with caution these conditions and print them on paper or save them electronically.

Data Protection is an Internet domain owned by:





In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of April 27, regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and Organic Law 3/2018 on Personal Data Protection and the guarantee of digital rights, we detail our Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy to adapt it to legislative, jurisprudential, or interpretative developments from the Spanish Agency for Data Protection. In such cases, changes will be announced, clearly indicating the modifications made in advance and requesting, if necessary, the acceptance of these changes.

The User agrees that all data provided by them is true and correct.

WHAT TYPE OF DATA WILL WE USE? Identifying data and credit card number for online reservations.


· In the case of reservations, we will process the data collected from the form in order to provide the service to Users.

· To address inquiries from Users who contact us through the Contact forms or designated forms.

· For tax, accounting, and administrative management to be able to handle the service requested by the User and the corresponding legal obligations arising from the service provided.

· When submitting a CV for personnel selection processes.


We can process the User's personal data due to a legitimate interest, regarding the service of sending commercial communications, both by ordinary and electronic means, related to our service.

When the basis for processing is consent, we will request acceptance as a legitimate basis for using the data. The User may revoke it at any time by sending us a message to When the basis for processing is consent, we will request acceptance as a legitimate basis for using the data. The User may revoke it at any time by sending us a message to


We will keep the User's personal data in our information systems as long as necessary, while the client relationship continues, and to comply with legal obligations.


User data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation, express authorization from the User, and/or when necessary to fulfill the agreed contract to provide our services.

To manage the services and/or products requested, in some cases, it will be necessary to share the data with companies in the same group and/or service providers for administrative purposes, storage, or to support communication.

Data transfers outside the European Union are not planned, except in cases where the User expressly authorizes us to manage the service we offer.


The User can exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition, and deletion of their data, as well as request limitation and portability of the same to the following email:
In the following cases:

· To rectify inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion (right to be forgotten) when, for example, they have withdrawn their consent. In this case, we will only retain it for the exercise or defense of claims and/or to comply with a legal obligation

· To request limitation of the processing of the data when, for example, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

· To request portability of the User's data in an automated format that allows for copying, transfer, and transmission when the processing is carried out by automated means.

· Additionally, they can lodge a complaint with the Control Authority (Spanish Agency for Data Protection )


The obligatory nature of the data collection will be indicated in the forms available on the website with an (*). Failure to complete such data may prevent us from providing all services linked to that data, releasing us from any responsibility for non-provision or incomplete provision of these services.